"Colour Type RGB but A is required" means the texture was saved without the alpha channel for transparency, but the texture cutout material property "Alpha type" is set to "Alpha".
There are two ways to fix it, depending what you want to achieve:
You want a texture with transparency
- Save the PNG file as a 32-bit image (including the alpha channel)
- The file name must end with _ALP, for example TextureName_ALP.png
- In modeller in cutout mode, the cutouts that use this texture page must have the material property "Alpha type" set to "Alpha".
You want a texture without transparency
- Save the PNG file as a 24-bit image (without the alpha channel)
- The file name must not end with _ALP, for example TextureName.png
- In Modeller in cutout mode, the cutouts that use this texture page must have the material property "Alpha type" set to "Solid".
Note: This concept is still in progress and not publicly accessible at the moment.
The goal is to learn basic car controls and obey traffic rules.
The idea is to have a multiplayer server so several people can do driving lessons in parallel. Also, people can compare their progress with others. The server will be using Layout Square because it has the largest open area for the lesson layouts to fit in.
When you join the server, you will be presented with a list of driving lessons. Once you complete a lesson or a set of lessons, new lessons will be unlocked for you. When you select a lesson, you will be spawned automatically at the correct starting point.
To be able to check correct usage of various car lights and switches during the driving lessons, each player will have to have a special application running on their computer, which will connect to the local LFS instance via OutGauge and send lights and switches information to the server using special InSim commands.
Main features:
- speed limits
- car lights and switches checking (turn signals, lights, handbrake etc.)
- pedestrian crossings with marshalls as pedestrians
- multi-lane roads
- intersections with traffic lights
- traffic signs (using InSim buttons or custom autocross layout sign textures)
I didn’t work on it much, but I would like to make a proof of concept / working prototype to see what is possible.
There are some limitations what InSim can offer. One of the features I would like to add is detecting proper usage of turn signals, car lights, handbrake etc. There isn’t a way to get current state of the player’s car lights and switches via server-side InSim. Every player would have to download and run a local program which would connect to their local LFS via OutGauge, but that has some limitations too - it outputs the state of the dashboard switches, so if a car doesn’t support sidelights / low / high beam on the dashboard, the data is not there.
Another way is to make it a single player app only. But I like the idea of having a shared area on a multiplayer server where several people can do the challenges in parallel and others can spectate them, also leaderboards can be tracked.
Maybe it can be a combination of both. I can start with a client-side program first and maybe in the future connect it with a server-side InSim app.
This is how I think it works - when you run /mods all, there is no whitelist, because it would have to be updated every time there’s a new mod or a mod is deleted, so it’s more of s on/off switch. Also, I believe the mods whitelist is limited to 120, so “all” minus one would totally exceed that limit.
To solve this, there would have to be a blacklist command, where you would set disallowed mods instead.
The correct place to post modelling proofs is the Mods - Work in Progress forum. Then you can link that thread to your mod during the submission process.
LFS already uses CloudFlare for the website. I think it gets more complex when it comes to protecting the game servers, so I guess you can’t just slap CloudFlare on top of it and it’s solved.
I've been thinking about creating an InSim application which would serve as a tutorial for these kinds of situations. It would consist of various driving lessons to teach things like car control, parking, speed limits, pedestrian crossings, intersections, traffic lights, lane changes etc. It would keep track of your progress, guide you through the lessons, point out mistakes.
The way the training lessons mode works is that you do have to work your way down the list to unlock more lessons.
But if you just want to drive around autocross with a layout with objects:
- go to Single player
- select the Autocross track
- in the Layout section, you can choose one of the default layouts with objects (AU1_LX_week1-3)
You can also use the layout from the MRT training lesson. Go to your LFS/data/training folder, find a file called AU1_MRT_AutoX.lyt and double click it or manually copy it over to data/layout. Then it will appear in the list of available layouts on the track selection screen.
It is also possible to create your own autocross layout - more information in the LFS Manual: Autocross Editor